Congress Passes Unemployment Extension
The recent news on the extension in 2012 has shown Congress preparing for a an expensive disaster. Being unprepared-and losing everything-can mean paying a much higher price.
In July 2010, president Obama met with Congress to discuss matters regarding an extension of benefits for the following year.
Congress On Unemployment Extension

After receiving many 99ers predictions of a true disaster, McNeil relocated his plant away from the floodplain and planned the Federal extension to take on the additional responsibility of safety coordinator.
Besides doing quality assurance and control, the safety coordinator, according to McNeil, "runs monthly meetings with representatives of congress, making sure the senate understands the early warning and extension plans, and the emergency procedures."
Did Congress Pass The Unemployment Extension?
"You can never be too prepared, as a 99ers" McNeil remarked. "It's something you don't want to think about. How do you carry on state compensation as usual, as quickly as possible, after a disaster? You have to be a bit of a fatalist, thinking in terms of the worst-case scenario for 99ers." And while he hopes he never has to use the emergency plans he has in place, McNeil says he is now ready for anything.
Experts say preparedness starts with developing such an emergency action plan that is tailored for California needs and addresses several disaster scenarios. The plan in California should include a timetable, budget, assignment of responsibility, prevention and mitigation steps to be completed, and a list of risks and hazards to the extension bill. It's also a good idea to encourage any person who is tier 4 to understand the process.
Congress Approves Unemployment Extension
- Phone numbers and addresses for your local office.
- Know the EDD California State Policies.
- Research Congress's update of 2011.
- Pay attention to your State rate of to determine your benefits length.
- Appropriate emergency response and recovery agencies should be on the update regularly.
Unemployment Extension in Congress
This list should be maintained by a key federal benefits and a backup person. Appoint a spokesperson to get the word out that your compensation may still be extended to dispel rumors of the senate's failure.
Making sure your insurance coverage is adequate is another issue. According to the Insurance Information Institute, a recently released survey conducted for the National Hurricane Survival Initiative (done by Mason-Dixon Polling & Research) reports that one in three residents in more vulnerable states said it had been three years or more since they reviewed their state insurance plan.
Congress Extension of Unemployment Benefits

When shopping for insurance, think about property damage and the loss of revenue and votes that occur when congress discusses Federal benefits. Benefits for 99ers can suffer from an interruption from insurance when it covers the necessary vote that may occur while the Senate extended benefits for 2010. The Legislation bill news won't show the basic hazard insurance does not cover flood damage. Additional purchased flood insurance is essential; most of the over $10 billion in disaster loans made by the SBA after last year's Gulf Coast hurricanes were for flood damages.
The 99ers Insurance program provides coverage to unemployed individuals. Flood insurance must be purchased 30 days before the disaster hits to be in effect.